Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Home

Hi folks,

It's getting a little lonely here at GoingSeasonal so I have joined forces with my California pal, David, and we have started our own blog: Collared Greens: Keeping your food classy ( ). My first entry is "White Loaf". I hope you will continue to follow my culinary exploits in my new home :>.

Love, Patty

Friday, January 8, 2010

So far...

I just thought I'd update on the things I've made with my kitchen companion, David, so far this break:
1. chocolate waffle iron cookies
2. sorghum molasses cookies
3. rendered some lard
4. profiteroles
5. brown butter sage gnocci
6. chinese "pearl" meatballs (they're covered in sticky rice and they're my favorite thing evar)
7. vegetable tempura pancake
8. buttermilk ice cream with a sorghum swirl (needs to be perfected)
